
The TWKS client, server, command line interface (CLI) can be configured using key-value properties from various sources:

  • Environment variables: export twks.key=value on Linux or set twks.key=value on Windows. Note that the key is always prefixed by twks..

  • System variables passed to the JVM: MAVEN_OPTS="-Dtwks.key=value. Note that the key is always prefixed by twks..

  • (CLI only) Command line options: java -jar twks-cli.jar -Dkey=value subcommand .... The key is not prefixed.

  • (CLI only) The -c command line option for passing in a Java-format .properties file: java -jar twks-cli.jar -c

  • (Server only) Servlet initialization parameters in a web.xml, where the key is not prefixed:


Available keys

The following sections list the available keys as well as the expected types of values.

Boolean values are considered true if they are set at all. For example, setting -Dtwks.key as a JVM parameter implies twks.key is true.

Client and command-line

  • serverBaseUrl: base URL of the TWKS server e.g., http://localhost:8080

Server only

Backing store configuration: AllegroGraph

  • agraphCatalogId (string): AllegroGraph catalog to use in the backing store

  • agraphPassword (string): AllegroGraph server password to use in the backing store

  • agraphRepositoryId (string): AllegroGraph repository to use in the backing store

  • agraphUsername (string): AllegroGraph server password to use in the backing store

  • agraphServerUrl (string): URL of the AllegroGraph server e.g., http://twks-agraph:100035. Setting this property tells the server to use AllegroGraph as its backing store.

Backing store configuration: Jena TDB

  • tdbLocation (string): path to a directory where Jena TDB2 should persist its data. Settings this property tells the server to use TDB2 as its backing store.

TWKS extensions

  • extcp (string): path to a directory of .jars to look for TWKS extensions in

  • extfs (string): path to a directory of file-based extensions

  • serverBaseUrl (string): tell file-based extensions where the server is located, since they use the TWKS client to communicate with the server


  • dump (string): path to a local directory where the server will dump its contents (one nanopublication per file) when the dump operation is invoked


  • cacheGraphNames (boolean): cache the names of assertion and other named graphs as an optimization, may lead to reading stale data on races

  • enableGeoSPARQL (boolean): enable Jena’s GeoSPARQL extensions